Darshan Institute of Engineering & Technology Apps

Income Tax Calculator 2.7
Latest: Income Tax Calculator for the financial year, FY 2020-21.Income Tax Calculator is an app that helps you calculate thepayable tax for the income you earned. Income tax slab is shown inthe app for Individual Male, Female, Senior Citizen, and Supersenior citizen. Tax preparation is very easy using this Income Taxcalculation app. It provides you with free tax preparation help.You just need to enter all of your income and the deductions. Theapp will tell you the payable tax amount. Online Income Tax ReturnFilling will be so easy using this app. A taxable Income calculatorapp helps you keep a record summary, and you can share it via emailor other social media applications. Key Features of this app are: »Quick Tax Calculation: The app provides the quickest way for taxcomputation. » Compare Return: Select two different Assessment Yearand compare your IT return for 2 years. » IT Return: You can planyour saving for the following income source: √ Income from Salary √Income from Other Sources √ Income from self-occupied houseproperty √ Long Term Capital Gains (LTCG) √ Short Term CapitalGains (STCG) √ Income from Interests √ Income from CommissionsIncome tax calculation formula will consider the followingparameters for deductions while calculating IT Return: √ Deductionunder 80C (Investment in PPF, NSC, Life insurance Premium, etc.) √Deduction under 80D (Investment under Medical Insurance) √Deduction under 80DD (Investment for Medical treatment) √ Deductionunder 80EE (Interest on home loan for first-time homeowners) √Deduction under 80TTA (deduction to an individual or a Hinduundivided family in respect of interest received on deposits) »Calculates Income Tax payable for Financial Year 2020-21, 2019-20,2018-19, 2017-18, 2016-17, 2015-16. » A standard deduction of Rs.50,000 for salaried taxpayers for the Financial Year 2019-20 isupdated. » Find the tax payable with and without standard deductionof Rs. 50, 000 for the salaried taxpayers for the Financial Year2020-21. » Share It: The result in the form of PDF or image can beshared with family members or your Income Tax Consultant orChartered Accountant.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------This App is developed at ASWDC by Sagar Makwana (140543107020), a7th Sem CE Student. ASWDC is Apps, Software, and WebsiteDevelopment Center @ Darshan Institute of Engineering &Technology, Rajkot run by Students & Staff of the ComputerEngineering Department Call us: +91-97277-47317 Write to us:aswdc@darshan.ac.in Visit: http://www.aswdc.inhttp://www.darshan.ac.in Follow us on Facebook:https://www.facebook.com/DarshanInstitute.Official Follows us onTwitter: https://twitter.com/darshan_inst
Tea Diary for Seller 1.1
Tea Diary for Seller is an app that lets you maintain a record oftea sold from tea stalls/seller/Chai Wala. With Tea Diary forSeller, you can store data of your customers. You can have variousproducts purchased by your customers, flexibility to generate billday wise, week wise or month wise of all the customers you haveadded. It helps you generate a bill of total milk, tea, coffee orbournvita you sold during given time period. Here you can add asmany items you want, that is sold by you. You will be able tochange the cost of items added for a particular seller. Believe us,maintaining your tea diary was never this easy! Tea Diary forSeller is FREE and easy to use app with following features: » AddCustomer Here you will fill details of customer like Name, MobileNumber, Address. » Add Items provided by you to customers Add itemslike milk, tea, coffee, bournvita sold by you. » Add the cost ofeach item You can add the cost of each item. You can even edit costat the time of ordering items. » Keep a record of the newly placedorder Tea Diary for Seller provides a very user-friendly interfaceto keep track of your daily tea consumption records. You can vieweach record weekly, monthly, or yearly. » Generate Bill It is veryeasy to generate a bill for each customer you have added. » ViewBill History You can view paid bill history with a single click. »Share with your friends With a single click, you can share this appwith your family and friends with the help of social media.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------This App is developed at ASWDC by Drashti Maniyar (130540107057), a7th Sem CE Student. ASWDC is Apps, Software, and WebsiteDevelopment Center @ Darshan Institute of Engineering &Technology, Rajkot run by Students & Staff of ComputerEngineering Department Call us: +91 97277 47317 Write to us:aswdc@darshan.ac.in Visit: http://www.aswdc.inhttp://www.darshan.ac.in Follow us on Facebook:https://www.facebook.com/DarshanInstitute.Official Follows us onTwitter: https://twitter.com/darshan_inst
7th Pay Commission Salary Calc 1.15
Latest 7th Pay Commission Arrears Calculator 2016 The governmenthas announced the implementation of the Seventh Pay Commissioneffective from 1 January 2016, which would hike the salaries andallowances for over 1 crore central government employees andpensioners by at least 23.5 percent. In the 7th pay commissionsalary slab has been increased more than 20 percent. The revisedpay package will cover teachers from 119 centrally funded technicalinstitutions — IITs, IISc, IIMs, IISERs, IIITs, and NITIE. The apphelps retired government employees in pension calculation. 7th paycommission calculator is a free app with simple and easy to use UI.Key features of the app includes: » The app shows salary based on7th pay » Comparison between 6th and 7th pay salary » Steps tocalculate 7th pay » Pay matrix How to Calculate 7th Pay Salary: GetNew Basic Pay Of 7th Pay Scales by entering Basic Pay, Select GradePay, HRA (%), City and click On “Calculate” Button Some of the keyfields required for 7th pay salary calculation are:: Basic Pay(B.P), Grade Pay (G.P), Fitment Factor, (B.P + G.P) * 2.57, NewBasic Pay, Dearness Allowance (D.A), House Rent Allowance (HRA),Transport Allowance (TPTA) Result will contain information like:7th pay salary amount, percentage salary hike, Grade pay level,Your annual income as per 7th pay, tax slab as per 7th pay salary,and average income hike. In the recent update, you will be able toenter custom DA / Fitment Factor value and apply it for yourcurrent Basic Pay. Calculate 7th Pay by filling up information likePay Structure, Entry Level between 1 and 18, and Index Pay valuesbetween 1 and 40. Use HRA values based on Population and TA values.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------This App is developed at ASWDC by Siddharth Sheth (130540107100)and Harshit Trivedi (130540107107), a 7th Sem CE Student. ASWDC isApps, Software, and Website Development Center @ Darshan Instituteof Engineering & Technology, Rajkot run by Students & Staffof Computer Engineering Department Call us: +91-97277-47317 Writeto us: aswdc@darshan.ac.in Visit: http://www.aswdc.inhttp://www.darshan.ac.in Follow us on Facebook:https://www.facebook.com/DarshanInstitute.Official Follows us onTwitter: https://twitter.com/darshan_inst
GTU - 100 Activity Points 1.1
Gujarat Technological University (GTU) implements the 100 –ActivityPoints as an evaluation system, launched at the beginningof thecurrent Academic Year i.e. 2015-16 for earning the GTU’sEngineeringDegree. Any B.E. Student of GTU will be honored theB.E. Degree onces/he earns Minimum 100 Activity Points during histotal academictenure. The points student has earned will bereflected in thestudent’s transcript. The GTU 100 Activity Pointsapp will helpstudents to record and view the points they haveearned based on theactivities done during the academic term. Touse the app you need toselect Major Head of Activity first. Thenselect sub-major activityhead. Based on the selection made, youneed to select the level ofactivity you participated. At last,enter the name of college whereyou participated and date of theevent. Submit it. In the Resultmenu, you will be able to see thescore you acquired for theactivity you participated for. The appwill do following calculationfor you: - Calculate points for anactivity - Calculate maximumpoints you can earn under a particularcategory - Calculate minimumpoints you can earn based on the entryin B.E. Course - The app willconsider the highest score of anylevel for the particular activity- The app will calculate totalyear of points Participation invarious activities will containMajor Heads and Sub Heads ofActivity. The app cover belowmentioned heads: - Bridge Course -Village Visit - LearningEngineering - History of Science andTechnology - Life Skills -Technical Research Skill - GroupDiscussion - Technical Quiz -Aptitude / Reasoning - Tech-fest -Workshop - STTPs - MOOC withFinal Assessment - Student SkillDevelopment - Paper Presentation -Poster Presentation - Training /Internship / ProfessionalCertification - Project Presentation -Industrial / Exhibitionvisit with report - Consultancy Project -Sports and Cultural -Community outreach and social initiatives -Community Service andAllied Activities (Up to Two Days, One Week,One Month, OneSemester, One Academic Year, NSS/NCC) - Innovation /IPR /Entrepreneurship - High Customer Review for Creative Products-Awards / Recognitions for Products - Legally Registered aStart-upCompany - Filed a Patent - Published Patent - CompletedPrototypeDevelopment - Generated Significant Revenue/Profits -PatentApproved - Attracted External Funding - Other MajorIndustrySpecific Achievements - User / Industry Implementing theInnovationdeveloped by Student - Significant Value Addition /Augmentation ofGrass roots / Social Innovation - Leadership /Management - HobbyClub Activities / E Cell / Placement Cell / MediaClub, etc. -Festival Events - Professional Societies - SpecialInitiatives -GTU Innovation Club / S4 Extension Center - GICAssociates Levelsof Activities is classified as under: - CollegeLevel - Zonal Level- Inter College / University (State) Level -Inter College /University (National) Level - InternationalLevel---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ThisApp is developed at ASWDC by Jaynil Dhamecha (140540107055),7th SemCE Student. ASWDC is Apps, Software, and WebsiteDevelopment Center@ Darshan Institute of Engineering &Technology, Rajkot run byStudents & Staff of ComputerEngineering Department Call us: +9197277 47317 Write to us:aswdc@darshan.ac.in Visit:http://www.aswdc.inhttp://www.darshan.ac.in Follow us onFacebook:https://www.facebook.com/DarshanInstitute.Official Followsus onTwitter: https://twitter.com/darshan_inst